
Thank you for giving to the LORD & to your Neighbors

For God so loved the world that He gave! Many believers want to give like our Heavenly Father. @ The Rhema House, our prayer is that as we give, the Lord will have respect towards our offerings and tithes.


Thank you for giving to the LORD. As good stewards, we are transparent with records and are accountable for every dollar received.

Our collections are channeled towards these causes:

  • The work of the ministry – keeps the lights on
  • The needs of the saints – bills, food pantry, clothing, emergencies as needed
  • Fulfillment of the gospel in love – single parents, orphans and widows. Missions
  • Samaritan needs and hardship – in and around our community. Homelessness
  • Personal empowerment – vocational training assistance, tuition help, transportation
  • Emergencies as presented to the church. Immigration, legal, medical

“For if the willingness is there, the gift is acceptable according to what one has, not according to what one does not have…
The Lord loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 8:12, 9:17