
Everyone can grow, and every child of God should grow

Everyone can grow, and every child of God should grow.

@ The Rhema House, we foster growth through service – learning and serving others completes the growth cycle. Our ministries revolve around our 3 Vision Values – Your Faith, Your Families, and Your Finances. Bring your passion, energy and ideas – we seek willing hearts, not perfect ones.


Our style of worship music is an infusion of contemporary sounds and has deep roots in ancient melodies. Musicians, singers, worshippers, dancers, artists for the LORD.


As a family, we pray frequently from week to week and we believe it is crucial as one of the ways to seek God. We intercede and pray for one another.


The Media ministry is in charge of our production capabilities and efforts. This ministry is also tasked with using various media platforms to reach people.

Outreach & Follow-up

The outreach & follow-up ministry’s function is to ensure that new members are immediately taken care of and integrated into The Rhema house Maryland Family


Children are our future. Here at The Rhema House, we are a generational ministry. We involve people of all ages from the oldest to the youngest in every activity that we do. This team focuses on children and their Christian growth.


The finance ministry is in charge of tracking what we do with our finances. They do not take their eye off the ball and provide reporting on church giving.


The pro/career ministry is involved with helping others with the tools that are necessary to make career growth.


The Welfare ministry ensures that the physical needs of both members of The Rhema House and our exterior community are met.

"For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:"